Graduate Studies Handbook, 2024–25

About the Handbook

This handbook focuses on policies specific to the Department of English. For policies that govern graduate study at Princeton, see the Graduate School and Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities. The Appendix explains acronyms and abbreviations.

1. Program Overview

2. Housing and Transportation

3. Funding and Employment

4. Research and Travel Account

5. McCosh Hall and Firestone Library

6. Non-Dissertation Advising and First-Year Seminar

7. Courses

8. Reenrollment

9. Language Requirements

10. General Examination

11. Dissertation Proposal

12. Teaching

13. The Dissertation

14. DCE and ET/DCC Status

15. Defending the Dissertation

16. Careers After the Ph.D.

17. Committees and Governance

18. Healthcare, In Absentia, and Leaves of Absence