15th Annual Edward W. Said ’57 Memorial Lecture

Nov. 12, 2018

We are proud to announce this years Edward W. Said Memorial Lecturer, Professor Moustafa Bayoumi. A former student of Edward Said’s, Professor Bayoumi is currently a professor of English at Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY). Professor Bayoumi is the author of How Does It Feel To Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America (Penguin), which won an American Book Award and the Arab American Book Award for Non-Fiction, and of This Muslim American Life: Dispatches from the War on Terror (NYU Press), which was chosen as a Best Book of 2015 by The Progressive magazine and was also awarded the Arab American Book Award for Non-Fiction. With Andrew Rubin, he edited The Edward Said Reader (Vintage), which will be reissued next year in an expanded edition, and he also edited Midnight on the Mavi Marmara, a book about the 2010 attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla (published by O/R Book and Haymarket Books). A frequent contributor to The Guardian, Professor Bayoumi has also written for The New York Times Magazine, New York magazine, The Nation, CNN.com, The London Review of Books, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and many other places.